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The Molossus of Old Man Moyer, book by Joe Lyon

For those of you who do not know it yet, I have released my fourth book. This latest book is my first dive into the Horror genre and is entitled The Molossus of Old Man Moyer. I am asking all my friends to go out and buy this book on Amazon to help me get a better Best Seller Ranking (BSR). This will improve the chances that Amazon will give the book better visibility to the world of readers in general. Without your help, Indie writers (Independent Writers) get buried in the Amazon algorithm under literally millions of other books. Please help a struggling writer out and purchase my book and that will qualify you to leave a “Verified Purchase” review, which would REALLY REALLY help. Not trying to persuade what that review would be, please leave an honest one, but reviews really help too! I hope I can count on your support to make this a team effort, and I thank you in advance. BTW – it goes without saying, but if you like thrillers, mysteries, and/or scary movies, you’ll really enjoy The Molossus of Old Man Moyer. Pride of authorship, of course, but I think it’s a good read, and I think you’ll like it too.